An Inconvenient Truth puts forth nothing but propaganda. It was challenged in the courts in London when they were trying to force students to watch it. The court found that Gore's documentary contains nine key scientific errors. The judge declined to ban the Academy Award-winning film from British schools but ruled that it can ONLY be shown with guidance notes to prevent political indoctrination (see Telegraph 10/11/2007).
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I think a good documentary should either give you a new perspective on something you already know or teach you something brand new. This thing does neither for me or anyone else. This guy spends 88 minutes explaining how global warming is an actual thing and 2 minutes on what we should do to prevent it.This is not a religion or a belief system. Its an observable scientific fact. You can choose to ignore it but that wont make it go away.Its a boring documentary featuring manbearpig giving you data about global warming.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
An Awful Lie would be a better title. The BS spewed out by Al Gore has been debunked numerous of times. His campaign was a "I lost the campaign for presidency so now I have to find some way of getting people to notice me". News flash: You lost the presidency because your politics sucks and so does you green preaching!